Wednesday, August 27, 2014

What is Alcohol Abuse?


Alcohol abuse can often go undetected for a great period of time, often because people vary on the signs of what is alcohol abuse. Denial of alcohol abuse can be very deep as the user justifies their usage and plays it off as simply celebrating or using to to cope with rough times.

Many alcoholics are quite clever in their ways of covering up the signs of alcohol abuse and secretly supplying their habit. But often, the only ones they are fooling are themselves and usually, even they don't truly believe themselves. Deep down they know they have a problem. 

This is why the first step of alcohol abuse treatment is for the alcoholic to admit there is a problem. This is why an abuse treatment center can be such a vital part of recovery. There is strength in numbers and people in different stages of recovery can provide valuable help and support.

They also help the alcoholic see that they are not alone. Very severe alcoholics benefit from inpatient treatment because detoxing from alcohol can be dangerous. When a body has become so acclimated to alcohol for many years, stopping cold turkey can cause seizures, DT, hallucinations and illness. 

An inpatient treatment center can offer a supervised detox with doctors on hand to help ease the symptoms of withdrawal and lessen the danger of seizures. Family members of an alcoholic should consider using the resources of Al-anon or other support systems for the families of alcoholics. 

They can provide valuable support and coping strategies as the family works to rebuild all that has been lost to alcohol. No one should have to endure alcoholism or recovery on their own. There is ample support out there for everyone. Studies show that these programs can greatly increase the success rate and continued sobriety for many years to come.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Getting Off Of Nembutal And Seconal - Ending Your Barbiturate Addiction

Have you ever been prescribed barbiturates before? 

Perhaps you had a sleeping disorder several years ago, and your doctor prescribed one of these for you. Instead of giving you a sleeping pill which is very common today, barbiturates were prescribed for many decades as the go to medication for relaxing and getting to sleep. Today, there are many other choices when it comes to relaxing, and also getting to sleep. Let's look at what barbiturates are, and why you should stay away from them.

Barbiturates You Should Avoid

There are several barbiturates that you should avoid including Amytal, Nembutal, Seconal, and Phenobarbital as they can lead to significant substance abuse. Since the effect your central nervous system, acting as a depressant, it can have a large spectrum of associated effects.

Because they are in anticonvulsant and a hypnotic, you might find yourself experiencing psychological problems. Benzodiazepines have been slowly moved in to replace barbiturates because they are much more effective.

Reasons That Barbiturates Are Prescribed

For people that suffer from epilepsy, this is still a viable option. If you are having trouble sleeping, or if you are trying to relax, you will more than likely get a prescription for a sleeping aid or Xanax to calm your nerves.Regardless of your problem, barbiturates are probably not going to be prescribed by your doctor.

By telling them what your problems are, they can give you the proper pharmaceutical remedies that can help you relax and get a good nights sleep. If you are addicted to barbiturates, and suffering from what you believe to be substance abuse with them, find a treatment center right away. Only by working with trained professionals that can handle addictions such as these will you have the best possible chance of becoming free from these drugs.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

The Dangers of Alcohol Abuse


The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism has been warning people about the dangers of this legal substance for many years. One of reasons that addiction to alcohol is difficult for many to see is that it can be purchased legally by anyone over the age of twenty-one.

 Many who drink to excess would never consider becoming involved in illegal drugs and have a hard time seeing that their addiction is just as damaging. Alcohol abuse often begins with people partying on the weekends while in college or after first moving away from their parent's home. These people are frequently able to function with school and work for many years.

Some restrict their heavy alcohol consumption to the weekends or at times when it will not interfere with normal activities. After time, most begin to curb this partying and settle into a healthier routine, limiting consumption to a few drinks on holidays or special occasions. 

However, there are those who are unable to reduce the amount of alcohol they drink and find themselves drinking on a daily basis just to feel normal. It may be having a few drinks while on lunch break becomes necessary just to make it through until the end of the work day. Some even slam a few before work, thinking the "hair of the dog" will take the edge off of a hangover and allow them to function better during the workday. 

Alcohol abuse statistics show that these folks will generally continue to drink heavily until some sort of intervention is employed. Friends, family, and coworkers may need to gather and lovingly but, firmly, point out the problem and their concerns. Ideally, this will lead the troubled drinker to seek help through a qualified rehabilitation center. This can give them a chance to move forward with a productive life.