Monday, October 20, 2014

Locating The Nearest Alcohol Abuse Treatment Center

Do you currently suffer from alcohol abuse? Are you trying to find a way to end your addiction? This is a problem that is running rampant through our society today, and many people do not know who to turn to in order to get help. There are many signs of alcoholism that you may notice with those around you, or even with yourself, if you happen to have that problem as well. Here are some alcohol facts that you should know to help you discern whether or not you have this addiction.

Alcohol Addiction Facts

The first thing you should realize about someone that has an alcohol addiction is that they are unable to function throughout the day without having a drink. They may become excessively moody, dysfunctional, or even angry as a result of not having alcohol in their system. Conversely, if they do have alcohol, it can also affect their personality in a negative way. If any of these symptoms are related to you, or people that you know, it might be time to check into and alcohol abuse treatment center.

Alcohol Abuse Treatment Centers

What you want to do now is find a treatment center that can help you with your alcohol abuse problem. You can check into some of these facilities where you can get the help that you need. Alcoholism is a problem but many people have, but they are unwilling to do something about it because they're afraid of how much it will cost. Some of them will cost money, and depending upon your location, many of them may be free. You will have to check online to find which ones are available and have openings. Once you have found one, set an appointment, and get this taken care of as soon as possible for your own sake, and the sake of your family as well.

The Difficulties Of Breaking An Addiction To Barbiturates

Many millions of Americans suffer from problems sleeping or insomnia. And many of those sufferers have reached out to the medical profession for medications that will help them get more sleep. In the short term, a sleeping pill may be just what you need, however, it's important to know exactly what is you've been prescribed, the side effects that it has, and the long-term addiction problems that other people have incurred.  Just knowing the possible side effects of a particular medication that you've been prescribed, can assist you in being a aware of those problems if they occur and avoid them for yourself.

There are quite a few different sleep medications on the market , some work by depressing your central nervous system, like the barbiturates Seconal and Nembutal. Another class of medications work by reducing anxiety which help make people drowsy. The one thing that all sleep medications tend to have in common is that they are very addictive and habit-forming. In other words, if there's any way you can incorporate exercise into your daily routine and alleviate the need for any kind of sleep medication, that would be the best thing to do.

One of the problems with barbiturates is that they stay in your system quite a long time even though they are no  longer effective enough to do what they were originally prescribed for. The barbiturates Nembutal, Seconal, Phenobarbital, and amytal usually stay in your system for up to three days. The second problem, especially with barbiturates, is that they react with  alcohol to have a multiplying effect, even 2 to 3 days later. When you look over history it's easy to find thousands of people that have died, or been sent to the hospital, because they  mixed alcohol with barbiturates.

 Breaking a drug habit that involves barbiturates can be a difficult task.   Because of the dangers in mixing alcohol with these drugs it's recommended  to completely detox your system before taking a drink. In most cases it's advisable to talk to a medical professional, and enroll in a clinic,  in order to break the addiction to barbiturates.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Some Of The Signs And Symptoms Of Alcoholism

Alcohol, and those who are addicted to it, have been around for 1000 years. Many years ago it was difficult to be an alcoholic because people didn't have enough money to purchase the alcohol. Nowadays wages have increased to the point where the average person can drink himself to death on minimum wage, or even less. Now that the  limiting factor is no longer money other things need to come into play, whether it be the fortitude to never start drinking, or the knowledge that you need help in  quitting. Let's take a look at some of the symptoms of being an alcoholic.

To begin with, the drinker will only drink to excess occasionally, however after a few years of drinking regularly, an alcoholic will find themselves drinking to excess every single time.  The same thing goes for missing time at work, at first an occasional day,  here and there, is bound to happen, however when it becomes a weekly occurrence, that's a sign that you may have a problem with alcohol.

Another not so obvious sign, is when a person begins lying about how much they drink. As a person begins drinking regularly their tolerance begins to build a they are able to drink quite a bit more than a regular person before getting drunk. Part of the same symptom is hiding the amount of alcohol that you consume from those around you.  When you go to the fridge to get another beer, then chug one beer in 30 seconds and hide the bottle, then open another beer and casually walked back to the party, that could be an indication that you're an alcoholic.

Another common problem with those who drink is when they go shopping while drinking, then end up way overspending and out of money. Many times they will buy multiples  of  products that they have absolutely no use for at all.  If this sounds familiar you probably need to seek some help.

If some of these symptoms apply to you and your drinking, it might be a good idea to seek  help. If you intend to cut down on your drinking, and are unable to for various reasons, then help is available at  local drug and alcohol treatment centers nationwide.