Thursday, May 22, 2014

Athletes And Steroid Use: The Dangers Involved


Competition can often make athletes look to extreme measures to maintain their competitive edge. Though athletes put their all into training, there is often the mindset that they need to step over the line and make use of drugs to enhance their performance; drugs like steroids or HGH. Even though there can be a perceived performance boost from these drugs, using them should be avoided.

Use of these substances violates the rules of the game; this much is known. The other problem is that these drugs carry serious side effects that can harm players. There are a variety of health issues that can be brought on by the use of steroids. With long-term use, these problems can lead to fatal conclusions.

The varied issues with health that have been associated with using steroids over long periods of time include high blood pressure and high cholesterol. The end result of these conditions are circulatory system issues, as well as heart disease.

Prolonged steroid use can easily lead to damage to the liver. When these steroids are processed in the digestive system, the liver breaks them down even more, which often causes a decrease in liver functions.

Both women and men face gender specific issues. For instance, in men, there can be an increase in breast tissue, aggression and infertility. For women, there can be a substantial increase in the production of body hair, as well as menstrual cycle interference.

Youths should definitely stay away from steroids. Bone development can be impaired, and an earlier onset of sexual development. Most youths that make use of steroids seem to care little about the state of their health as well.

There are so many adverse effects associated with steroid use that it doesn't make sense to pursue it. The smart athlete will avoid using steroids as if their life and career depended on it; and it does.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Take Heart: You Can Beat Your Amphetamine Addiction


Amphetamines make people feel good. That's both a fact and a crying shame. Many people turn to this form of drug use, or drug abuse, because they are struggling to deal with their emotions but not having any luck. They don't know how to handle their inner demons, so they stifle them instead. They may go ahead and gamble, drink or participate in risky sex, but they'll refrain from reacting to any events that occurred until they have time to think them through.

Euphoria is usually the first feeling that amphetamines evoke, but it is certainly not the last or the most enduring. In any case, it is a feeling that addicts can not get enough of, and one they have a hard time trying to beat.

What many addicts fail to understand is that this drug is not beneficial to their well-being. The best thing for an addict to do is to enroll in a formal rehab program if they are serious about beating their addition.

You can spread cries of wanting to change all you want: the proof will most certainly be in the actions you take. If you're suffering from any kind of addiction, you must also take great care in how you eat. Don't eat as if you're a convicted addict already; eat the healthy diet your normal body deserves. If you continue to take drugs that make you waste away supplemented by vitamins that are not there for you when you need them, you are going to perish in a very bad way.

Whatever happens, it's important that you don't let the drugs take over your life in any capacity. You don't need narcotics to live your life. You are going to be at your best and most att4ractive when you're completely coherent.

Start living the sober life, and you'll be surprised at how quickly your life makes huge turns for the better.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Opiods, opiates, and Pill Mills

Opioid addiction is a problem that is growing each year, despite the war on drugs.Opium has been outlawed for decades but opium's cousins continue to flourish. There are ever tightening regulations on prescribing them, the nationalized computer databases that track users to find those who are using illegal means to gain extra prescriptions.

There are also databases that find patients who "doctor hop" or "doctor shop" in order to gain multiple prescription from different doctors. Addicts will even cross state line in order to get the abundance of drugs that they need.

Then there are "pill mill" clinics which are essentially sham doctor offices which are not there to treat real patients with legitimate medical issues. They are simply there to serve addicts and their method of operation is simple and incredibly lucrative.

Patients sign up, submit minimal documentation of their "condition" which they claim has them in severe chronic pain and they are easily accepted as patients. Such clinics usually do not accept insurance but patients are happy to pay the $200 or more fee to be treated.

A typical visit means they pay about $200 cash,  gets them about 5 minutes with the doctor, gets them almost nonexistent medical care and they leave the clinic with a large script for strong opioid and possible a script for strong muscle relaxer and an anti-anxiety drug.

A common trio of drugs prescribed is high dosage opioid (such as hydrocodone, oxycodone, Oxycontin or dilaudid). Then a powerful muscle relaxer like Soma or its generic carisoprodol and then a powerful anti-anxiety drug such a Xanax (generic alprazolam) or a Benzodiazepine or Valium.

The combination of these three drugs is known on the streets as the holy trinity and hundreds of pill mills have been raided, had their profits confiscated and their doctors have lost their licensees and been sent to jail.

Monday, May 5, 2014

The Negative Consequences of Abusing Dextromethorphan or Robotripping

In most cases, cold medications are harmless and are helpful for treating the various symptoms that often accompany the common cold or flu. Unfortunately, cold medicines have earned a bad reputation lately because of abuse. Some people misuse these medications for the intoxicating effects that some of the active ingredients possess.

The primary active ingredient in many cough medicines is dextromethorphan. It is clear that this substance does a great job at relieving cold symptoms. Scientific studies have even discovered that this drug may also be good for treating other conditions like multiple sclerosis and fibromyalgia.

Unfortunately, even though this drug can solve many health problems, it also has some side effects. Most people who are suffering from the conditions that are treated by dextromethorphan easily deal with these side effects in order to relieve their various ailments. The real issue arises when people who have no such ailments abuse the drug.

Some of dextromethorphan’s side effects include dizziness, faster heart rate, poor motor skills, confusion and speech problems. In more severe cases, side effects can include conditions such as hypertension, high fever and vomiting.

The term used to describe the recreational use of dextromethorphan is robotripping. This term was derived from the brand name of cough syrup called Robitussin that is commonly used. People who abuse this substance use this slang term with others who also use these medications for the enjoyment of the side effects.

The major issue arises when a person is unable to stop abusing the medication. Dextromethorphan happens to be a very addictive substance when it is take in large quantities that exceed the intended use.

The issues caused by this kind of abuse are made worse by the fact that it is not difficult to obtain cough medicine and it can be purchased for very little money. Almost anyone can purchase the medication at their neighborhood pharmacy. This ease of access is one of the main reasons why this is such as problem. Not only are adults abusing this drug, young teenagers have also been known to engage in dextromethorphan abuse as well.

It is important to try to find ways to stop the abuse of cough medication. The chance of death due to an overdose of dextromethorphan is quite possible. Even though this drug is used to treat fairly harmless cold and flu symptoms, it still has the potential to be very dangerous. If taken in high amounts and in the hands of the wrong person, this substance can be quite deadly.