Thursday, May 22, 2014

Athletes And Steroid Use: The Dangers Involved


Competition can often make athletes look to extreme measures to maintain their competitive edge. Though athletes put their all into training, there is often the mindset that they need to step over the line and make use of drugs to enhance their performance; drugs like steroids or HGH. Even though there can be a perceived performance boost from these drugs, using them should be avoided.

Use of these substances violates the rules of the game; this much is known. The other problem is that these drugs carry serious side effects that can harm players. There are a variety of health issues that can be brought on by the use of steroids. With long-term use, these problems can lead to fatal conclusions.

The varied issues with health that have been associated with using steroids over long periods of time include high blood pressure and high cholesterol. The end result of these conditions are circulatory system issues, as well as heart disease.

Prolonged steroid use can easily lead to damage to the liver. When these steroids are processed in the digestive system, the liver breaks them down even more, which often causes a decrease in liver functions.

Both women and men face gender specific issues. For instance, in men, there can be an increase in breast tissue, aggression and infertility. For women, there can be a substantial increase in the production of body hair, as well as menstrual cycle interference.

Youths should definitely stay away from steroids. Bone development can be impaired, and an earlier onset of sexual development. Most youths that make use of steroids seem to care little about the state of their health as well.

There are so many adverse effects associated with steroid use that it doesn't make sense to pursue it. The smart athlete will avoid using steroids as if their life and career depended on it; and it does.

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