Thursday, July 17, 2014

Substance Abuse In Regard To Barbiturates


If you have ever had a prescription for barbiturates, your doctor may have prescribed Amytal. It is a derivative of barbiturates and a sedative hypnotic drug. You could also have been given Phenobarbital, or Seconal, which are both anticonvulsant drugs. Essentially, these pharmaceutical remedies have the ability to cause sedation, anesthesia, it's not like events and provide analgesic effects. You would think with all of these benefits, that they would actually have a more prosaic use. However, they are often abused by people that enjoy the high that they get because of how it depresses the central nervous system. Let's discuss what barbiturates are actually used for, and how to get off of them if you're currently addicted to these drugs.

What Exactly Do You Barbiturates Do?

They are actually an acid that was synthesized back in the 1800s and that the time had no medical value. It was only later that they realized that it was effective at putting both people and animals to sleep that it became recognized as an anesthetic. Its ability to affect the central nervous system is one of the reasons that it is used to help people with insomnia or anxiety by calming them enough so they can sleep. Today, benzodiazepines have taken their place, primarily because of the dangers of using barbiturates for extended periods of time. If you happen to be addicted to these drugs, you have some options that are available.

Treatment Centers For Barbiturate Substance Abuse

You can search in your local phone directory to find a treatment center that will help you with your barbiturate addiction if you have one. The Internet also has this information, along with all of the websites for the facilities that offer these services. You can give them a call and see if they have any available openings. By working with these people, it is possible for you to get off of barbiturates, and lead a more practical and normal life.

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