Saturday, July 4, 2015

What You Should Know About Addiction Recovery

Whether you're recovering from alcohol or drug abuse or know someone who is, it can be helpful to understand the process. Addiction Recovery takes months, if not years, for full recovery. Within that time, the individual may suffer from periodic relapses or difficult times, with mood swings, irritability, and depression.

While friends and family members may expect a fast and full recovery, this is often unrealistic. The addict must make amends for physical or emotional pain caused to others. But, first he or she needs to understand why the addiction exists and how to handle the recovery process. Only when a person is on the road to recovery, can he or she begin rebuilding relationships after recovering from addiction.

When the individual is ready to make amends, the process is likely to be a slow one. First, the addict will need to recognize the pain and suffering caused to others. Then, a means of reaching out, in an honest, sincere manner is required. Often, those who have bee hurt the most will want to avoid contact at all costs. An intermediary may be helpful in reaching out to those who have been hurt by the addict's behavior or actions.

The next step is to initiate communications with an apologetic gesture. Sending a heartfelt card or making a sincere phone call will go farther than sending a message through a third party. But this will only work if the individual is at leas willing to listen.

When beginning communications with someone the addict has hurt, it's important to be patient. Trust takes time to establish and the addict may have broken a person's trust in the past. Don't expect too much at one time. Those who have been hurt are more likely to come around if they are given the time they need to process their feelings, time to see that recovery has been successful, and an opportunity to explain their own feelings. It is helpful to give the individual all the time they need to explain their feelings and ask questions about recovery. This is the time to be open and honest about past behaviors, as well as hopes for the future. Rebuilding relationships after recovering from addiction is a slow process, just like recovery.

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